Thursday, May 14, 2020
Terrorism Is A Growing Real World Situation - 2080 Words
Terrorism is a growing real world situation which is having a deepening impact on many facets of international business. A Gallup Survey of December 2015, that followed the terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, named terrorism as the top problem confronting Americans (, 2015). Annual terrorism statistics from United States (US) Department of State (, 2015), which are required by law, show businesses were targeted 1127 times in the year 2014, the 4th highest type of target, as depicted in Table 1. Globalization of business across national boundaries in the world economy is a reality (Hill, 2000) and the intensifying threat of terrorism on international business is an undeveloped research area worthy of additional study with heightening practical and academic implications. Research Motivation Academic and personal motivation Terrorism Overview - Unfortunately terrorism has a long evolving history dating back to piracy on the high seas. Terrorism in the modern era (Czinkota, Knight, Liesch Steen, 2010) has tragically escalated due to the resurgence of Islamic Fundamentalism over the last three decades (Hill, 2000) and the appalling attacks on September 11, 2001. The 2014 version of the Department of State’s annual report, titled Country Reports on Terrorism provides some alarming statistics for international business: †¢ Terrorist attacks in 2014 increased 35% and fatalities increased 81% compared to 2013; †¢ More than 9,400 people wereShow MoreRelated Movie Review: Mission Impossible II Essay1667 Words  | 7 PagesTerrorism was not a highly published problem within the United States. Media did not cover this topic and domestic terrorism situations were almost unheard. This changed on September 11, 2001. The 9/11 terrorist attack against the World Trade Center twin towers made Americans aware of how vulnerable was the United States. 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