Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Training and Development Paper Essay Example for Free
Training and Development Paper Essay Training and development have become an essential component in the health care industry. â€Å"Well-trained support workers are more likely to provide safe care and increase the confidence of registered staff to delegate tasks.†(â€Å"Better care through better training-evaluation of an HCA development programme,†2012, p. 35). The overall quality and quantity of training and development received by employees determines the success of an organization. It an important for organizations to assess why training and education are important. It is also vital that organizations measure the competencies within the organization. Once training and education programs have been put in place, the organization should create a system for tracking and evaluating the effectiveness of the training. According to Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, and Cardy (2010), â€Å"Training typically focuses on providing employees with specific skills or helping them correct deficiencies in their performance.†Training is used by organizations as a means to immediately enhance an individual employee’s skill deficiency for their present job. Typically, training occurs in three stages. These stages are needs assessment, development and conduct, and evaluation. (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, Cardy, p. 246, 2010). In the needs assessment phase, organizations determine if training is needed. If training is needed, the organization will develop training program that addresses the organization, tasks and personal needs of the company and the workers directly involved in training. Once it has been determined that training is needed, the development and conducting phase will be used to determine what approach will be used. These approaches include the location, presentation and types of training to be used. The locations of training vary depending on the job, but may include on the job training, apprenticeships and internships. The presentation of the training may be conducted using technology based examples, such as computers or human to human interaction through stimulation and role play. The types of training also vary and may include team training or cross functional training. The evaluation phase is the final phase in the training process. During this phase, organizations determine if the training was necessary and effective. The organizations often look at the financial impact of the training and the overall productivity of the workers trained. There are several ways that organizations can evaluate and track the effectiveness of training. One of these ways is by testing employees about job specific tasks. This can include direct and indirect forms of testing that might include written test or general questions being asked while employees are performing tasks. In the healthcare industry, it is essential that an organization measure each employee’s level of competency. By doing so, the organization is made aware of what type of work the employee is capable of producing. This allows employers the opportunity to assess if certain individuals are able to effectively do their jobs. This is important for organizations to do because many organizations and employees are given a realistic expectation of what can and cannot be accomplished based on the resources of the employee. New technological advancements in healthcare are often evolving. For this reason, constant training and education is needed for healthcare employees. Healthcare organizations must develop ways to measure the competency of all their workers. It is also important the training programs be developed that effectively and efficiently train any employee who is lacking proper job skills. By putting these efforts in place, organizations increase the overall productivity of their workers. References Better care through better training-evaluation of an HCA development programme. (2012, January). British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 6(1), 35-38. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Gomez-Mejia, L., Balkin, D., Cardy, R. (2010). Managing human resources (6th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Colllection database.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Changing Family Values Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Papers
Changing Family Values "Imagine that, one day in 1960, all radio and television transmissions had been interrupted by a special message from some Cosmic Census Bureau forecaster: 'Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts and hang on to your hats. Over the next twenty-five years, all standard demographic indicators will rise or fall steeply. Divorce rates, rates of mothers' participation in the labor force, and rates of birth outside marriage will double. Birth rates overall will drop. By the end of the 1980s, more than half of your future citizens will be spending at last part of their childhood in a single-parent home. Oh, and by the way, there will be a sexual revolution, to which all are cordially invited.' Who would have believed it?" Imagine that... Imagine a world where people who are completely miserable within the confines of a bad marriage have the freedom to leave. Imagine a world where women -- WOMEN -- women with children -- dare to enjoy a career that gives their life meaning, that reinforces their sense of self-worth and independence. Imagine a world where sex isn't a taboo to be hidden behind bedroom doors in suburban houses where meek wives greet misogynistic husbands at 5 pm with a turkey dinner and a smile. Who could have believed it? Who could have believed it in a world where women had, in all reality, just recently gained the right to vote for their leaders in this country. Who could have believed it in a 1960s America where women stayed home and raised children and when the children were done being raised they just kept on staying home. Who could have believed it in a culture, that even so far ahead of so many others in the world, expected females to serve, and to do so quiet... ...ice. While we're at it, why don't we just re-institute racial segregation in schools and can affirmative action altogether and strengthen immigration laws and ban girls from attending universities. Let's just take a giant step, or two or three or four or a hundred, back and see how much better life is. Let's do it and see how much better our kids turn out. Let's do it and see how long it takes for people to get fed up and want things back the way they used to be. Change is hard, and in a relatively short time, the economic system of this country and the dynamic of the American family has changed drastically. This is bound to produce some negative effects. That is no reason to be up in arms against feminism and against mothers in the workforce. Do your best with your own children, that's all our parents could do, and that's all we can really ask of anyone.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Employees with work
The study will analyze he motivating factors that inspire employees to start working and why workers build a career with a small business. The investigation will also explore Job satisfaction and why do employees waste company time completing personal tasks at work. Data was analyzed to determine was there a relation among the variable. The result of the study decided whether the hypothesis(s) are supported or rejected.Final Project: Survey Methods Introduction This study was implemented to measure employees' motivational factors that include job satisfaction and employees' dedication to performing tasks at work and remaining loyal to their employer. The data collected would make a determination to what factors are successful, what factors need to be eliminated, and what factors should be put in practice in the future. The study was conducted by sending questionnaires to several small businesses in Greenville, MS. Several types of organizations were utilized that provided different t ype of service and products.The questionnaire had two parts. The first part of the questionnaire was utilized to measure factors that motivate employees to remain loyal to their employer, dedication to their Job, and Job satisfaction. The second part of the questionnaire measured do employees waste company time doing personal tasks. Management / Problem Statement Motivated employees assists organizations to operate efficiently. When employees are not properly motivated, worker are dissatisfied and have low moral. Workers not motivated properly also leads to low quality services and high Job turn over ratio, which leads to the loss of revenue.Motivated employees benefit all organizations. Workers that are inspired require less supervision from their managers. Manager's interaction will be more of co worker transaction verses a superior transaction. This incept would lead the workers to believe that the manager cares more about the employees, which in return will motivate the employee more. Purpose Statement The purpose of the study is to investigate the factors that inspire workers employed by small businesses, with 5 years or less service and 5 years of more services, to remain loyal to their employer.Some small businesses do not have the benefit packages and the retirement plans to offer their employees. Managers of these organizations are faced with the challenge of motivating employees to make a career in their organization. This study will show what forces drives an employee to work or a small business and to make a career at the organization. RSI: (ONE SENTENCE) What motivates workers employed by small businesses, with 5 and less years of service and with 5 and more years of services, to remain loyal to their employer?Investigative Questions The investigative questions for this study Does boredom of not having anything to do in life motivate employees to remain loyal to their employer? Does accomplishment motivate employees to remain loyal to their employ er? Does recognition motivate employees to remain loyal to their employer? Does a salary motivate employees to remain loyal to their employer? Does the fear of not finding another Job motivates employees to remain loyal to their employer? Does job satisfaction permits employer to remain loyal to their employer?Because employees are allowed to waste company time doing personal task why employees remain loyal to their employer. Hypotheses (as needed for quantitative or mixed method research) The null hypotheses for this study: HOI : There is no relation between boredom of not having anything to do in life and employees remaining loyal to their employer. HUH: There is no relation between accomplishment and employees remaining loyal to their employer. HUH: There is no elation between recognition and employees remaining loyal to their employer HUH: There is no relation between salary and employees remaining loyal to their employer.HOST: There is no relation of the fear of not finding ano ther Job and employees remaining loyal to their employer? HUH: There is no relation of Job satisfaction why employees remain loyal to their employer? HUH: There is no relation of employees permitted to waste company time doing personal task why employees remain loyal to their employer. Brief Theoretical Framework Brief Conceptual framework The study will be a descriptive research and a casual comparative study. Early theories of motivation and current theories of motivation will be utilized to explain the study.One of the early theories, Moscow Hierarchy of Needs, implies that employees are motivated based on needs being fulfilled such as biological, shelter (Moscow, 1954). One of the latest theory, The Four Drive Theory Models suggest that one of the reasons that employees are motivated because acquire and achieve (Lawrence and Naira,2002) Construct definitions and variables The variables that will be analyzed for this research study are the variables that motivates employees to re main loyal to the organization.The variables are boredom thou a Job, fear of not finding another Job, salary from the Job, accomplishment from the Job, recognition on the Job, Job satisfaction from the Job, and allowed to waste company time by completing personal tasks at work. Construct validity will occur as described as following: â€Å"is demonstrated when scores obtained from a measure are directly related to the variable itself Reflects how close the measure relates to the construct (height and weight example) in one sense, construct validity is achieved by repeatedly demonstrating every other type of validity' (Arbor, 2006).The variables will be measured utilizing the Liker Scale. The variables will be assigned a value of 1-5. After the variables are measured, the data will be analyzed using Pearson Correlation and Test. The study will show is there a correlation among the variables, how the dependent variables influence the dependent variables, and is there a relation among the two focus groups. Methodology Overview Quantitative study is appropriate for this research because it permits the researcher to list as following because it allows for a broader study, involving a greater number of subjects, and enhancing the generalization of the results.Quantitative study also allows for greater objectivity and accuracy of results. Generally, quantitative methods are designed to provide summaries of data that support generalizations about the phenomenon under study. In order to accomplish this, quantitative research usually involves few variables and many cases, and employs prescribed procedures to ensure validity and reliability; applying well-established standards means that the research can be replicated, and then analyzed and compared with similar studies. The quantitative study also summarize vast sources of information and make comparisons across categories and over time (Pogo, 2007).Survey questionnaire will be utilized to the research study. The surve y will consist of 30 questions pertaining to workers' Job relation. The surveys will be emailed to the participants. The target population will consist of workers from small businesses. Organizations such as medical clinics, pharmacies, grocery stores, cleaners, and other small businesses. The participants will be chosen using purposive sample. After the surveys are received the data will be collected, analyzed, and transformed to Microsoft Excel. Each survey will be coded with an assigned number. Ordinal scale then will be used to measure ND validate the data.The data then will be calculated using SPAS software. The data then will be analyzed to either support or reject the hypothesis. Abridged Literature Review Discuss the key literature you have already searched on this topic†¦ Give us the highlights of previous research- 2 – 3 key authors or previous studies. One to two pages is enough. Taylor (1911) believed that motivating employees involved paying employees' wages and controlling the employees because workers do not enjoy working. Taylor and his colleagues discovered that motivation is significant component of comprehending human behavior.Taylor Motivation Theory was based on that employees will be motivating by awarding them with training on the Job, pay for outstanding Job performance, employee assortment method, and Job planning (Taylor, 1911). But scientists have a different aspect of motivation. Mayo (1933) & Rotisseries and Dickson (1929) stated research concluded that people social needs had to be met for employees to be motivated. Employees had to be treated as human beings and not Just workers. Workers not treated fairly resulted in low moral (Mayo, 1993, & Rotisseries & Dickson 1929). Moscow (1954) proposed that titivation were based on fives needs.The theory is known as Moscow Hierarchy of Needs. The theory is illustrated by using a pyramid with five levels. Moscow (1954) stated that when one level of need is satisfied, another le vel of need has to be satisfied for that person to continue to stay motivated. The needs then continue in cycle to keep the person motivated (Moscow, 1943). The five needs are as following: 1. â€Å"Physiological needs – home , food 2. Safety needs – security on the Job, protection 3. Social needs – clubs and membership societies, family. 4. Esteem needs – lifestyle, recognition, promotion, 5. Self-Actualization needs – successful†(Moscow, 1943 & Moscow, 1954).Herbert Motivation Theory is very significant in comprehending the relation between employers and employees. Herbert (1959) stated the factors that motivate people in their organization totally oppose what displease employees at work. The theory consists of two needs hygienic needs and motivation factors (Herbert, 1968). The hygienic needs are listed as following: 1 . Policy 2. Relationship with supervisor 3. Work conditions 4. Salary 5. Company car 6. Status 7. Security 8. Relationsh ip with subordinates 9. Personal life The motivation factors are as following: . Achievement 2. Recognition 3. Work itself 4. Responsibility 5.Advancement Herrings research concluded that money along was not a motivator. Salaries were ranked low as a factor that motivated employees to work. Employees want promotions and opportunity to advance in companies. The study also proposed that employees were more satisfied with opportunities and recognitions. Herbert Theory is considered one of the most important theories out of the motivation theories (Herbert, 1954, Herbert, 1968, & Gazelle, 1997). Current Work on Motivation Theories David McClellan, a psychologist, created the motivation need theory. McClellan believed Mascots theory was exhausted by people values and social issues.The research that the psychologist conducted concluded that Moscow theory was an assumption and not proven (Shih, 1999). The theory consists of three motivation needs. The three needs are as following: 1 . Achi evement motivation 2. Authority/power motivation 3. Affiliation motivation (McClellan, 1961). McClellan (1961) stated that achievement motivation is one of the major factors that motivate people. Employees that achieve success and become managers and build a career at a company are usually the ones that get things done (McClellan, 1961). Victory Broom developed a motivation theory in 1964 known as the Expectancy Theory.The theory approached motivation from a different perspective from Moscow and Herbert (Broom, 1964). The theory is based on that the employees are motivated by rewards. The employees perform well because the results will result in better benefits. The employees are not motivated by individual performance, but by the results of the Jobs. The employees understand that skills, resources, and information are the essentials for better performance (Abdul-Zee, Airwomen, Dropout, 2011). Lawrence and Naira (2002) stated that employees are motivated ruptures wages and payment.T he perspective is known as the Four Drive Theory Model. The four drives are listed as following: 1 . Acquire and Achieve -base pay 2. Bond & Belong- company employee 3. Challenged and Comprehend- learning the Job 4. Define and Defend-company culture Sample Overview Population The population used for this research study will consist of workers that are employed by Small business owners. Several small businesses located in Greenville, MS will be used for the study. (House. Gob, 2013) Sampling frame Employees from various types of small businesses that offer different type of rodents and services.Workers with 5 and less years of service and workers with 5 and more years of service. Both genders also will be utilized for the study. In using 93 % with ay % margin of error, 200 participants have to be utilized. In using survey, the expected rate of return is about 10 %. To obtain this rate 2000 surveys will be e- mailed out (Pogo, 2007). Desired sample Purposive Sampling will be utilized to choose the members of the population. Purposive sampling is used because the researcher has knowledge of the small businesses in Greenville, MS (Pogo, 2007). Ethical ConsiderationsIn conducting a research study, researcher have to practice ethical principles. In using people to participate in a study to obtain personal information, examiners have to ensure the participants that their personal information will be protected. In conducting research some of the critical ethical questions related to my survey and my methodology and protecting participants are listed as following: 1 . What are the main ethical issues in a research study obtaining personal information from people? The researcher should ensure the safety of the participants. The research will not harm them in anyway.Also informed the participants that a consent form will be provided to them and is required to obtain information. Finally informed the participants that their information will be kept confidential (Groves et al. , 2009). 2. What are the components of an ethically valid informed consent for research? Major components of an ethically valid informed consent for research are listed as following: A. Disclosure. The participants must know what the research study is a about. B. Understanding. The participants must be able to comprehend the survey and allowed to ask questions about the study. C. Voluntaries.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Quick Facts About Americas Mount Rushmore
Mount Rushmore is located in the Black Hills of Keystone, South Dakota. The sculpture of four famous presidents  George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln  was carved into the granite rock face over many decades. According to the National Park Service, approximately 2.5 million people visit the monument each year. Fast Facts: Mount Rushmore Location: Near Rapid City, South DakotaArtist: Gutzon Borglum. Died seven months before it was finished; completed by son Lincoln.Size: The presidents faces are 60 feet high.Material: Granite rock faceYear Started: 1927Year Completed: 1941Cost: $989,992.32Notable: The artist was tagged for the project because of his work on the Confederate Memorial Carving at Stone Mountain, Georgia, which he began. His work was removed and another artist finished it, however. Also in the national park is the Avenue of Flags, representing the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands. In the summertime, the monument is also lit up at night. History of Mount Rushmore National Park Gutzon Borglums model of Mt. Rushmore memorial, where you see the original plans. Library of Congresss Prints and Photographs Division/Public Domain/Wiki Commons Mount Rushmore National Park was the brainchild of Doane Robinson, known as the â€Å"Father of Mount Rushmore.†His goal was to create an attraction that would draw people from all over the country to his state. Robinson contacted Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor who was working on the monument at Stone Mountain, Georgia. Borglum met with Robinson during 1924 and 1925. He was the one who identified Mount Rushmore as a perfect location for a grand monument. This was due to the cliffs height above the surrounding area; its composition of granite, which would be slow to erode; and the fact that it faced southeast, to take advantage of the rising sun each day. Robinson worked with John Boland, President Calvin Coolidge, Rep. William Williamson, and Sen. Peter Norbeck to gain support in Congress and the funding to proceed. Congress agreed to match up to $250,000 of funding for the project and created the Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission. Work began, and by 1933 the Mount Rushmore project became part of the National Park Service. Borglum did not like having the NPS oversee the construction. However, he continued to work on the project until his death in 1941. The monument was deemed complete and ready for dedication on October 31, 1941. It eventually cost nearly $1 million. Why Each of the Four Presidents Was Chosen Tetra Images/Getty Images Borglum made the decision about which presidents to include on the mountain. According to the National Park Service, heres his reasoning: George Washington: He was the first president and represented the foundation of American democracy.Thomas Jefferson: With the Louisiana Purchase, he greatly expanded the nation. He was also the author of the hugely influential Declaration of Independence. Theodore Roosevelt: He not only represented the industrial development of the nation but was also widely known for conservation efforts. Abraham Lincoln: As the president during the U.S. Civil War, he represents the preservation of the nation above all costs. Carving Done With Dynamite The powder monkey is holding dynamite and detonators.  Archive Photos/Getty Images With 450,000 tons of granite that needed to be removed, the sculptor found out early on that jackhammers were not going to take care of the job fast enough. He employed a munitions expert to insert charges of dynamite into drilled holes and blasted the rock off when the workers were off of the mountain. Eventually, 90 percent of the granite removed from the rock face was done with dynamite. Changes to the Design The unfinished hall of records behind Abraham Lincolns head, just as Gutzon Borglum left it. Rachel.Miller727/Creative Commons/Wiki Commons During production, the design went through nine changes. Entablature What appears isnt exactly how the sculpture was conceived by sculptor Borglum, who also had plans for wording to be etched into the rock face, called the Entablature. It was to contain a brief history of the United States, highlighting nine important events between 1776 and 1906, carved into an image of the Louisiana Purchase. Given issues over the wording and funding and the fact that people wouldnt be able to read it from a distance, that idea was scrapped. Hall of Records Another plan was to have a Hall of Records in a room behind Lincolns head that would be accessed by the public via a staircase from the base of the mountain. On display would be important documents in a room decorated with mosaics. It too was discontinued, in 1939, due to lack of funding. Congress told the artist to concentrate on the faces and just get it done. A tunnel is what remains. It does house some porcelain panels giving the background about the building of the monument, the artist, and the presidents, but its inaccessible to visitors due to the lack of a staircase. More Than Heads Mock-ups of the design include the four presidents from the waist up. Funding was ever an issue, and the directive was to just stick with the four faces. Jefferson Moved Over Thomas Jefferson was originally on the other side of George Washington. Carmen Martinez Torron/Getty Images Thomas Jefferson was originally started on George Washingtons right, and carving of Jeffersons face began in 1931. However, the granite there was full of quartz. Workers kept blasting off the quartz, but after 18 months they realized that the location was just not working. His face was dynamited off and carved on the other side. Carving Stone carvers on scaffolding and hoists carve the face of Thomas Jefferson into Mount Rushmore. George Rinhart/Getty Images Workers hung from a 3/8-inch steel cable in bosuns chairs as they worked with jackhammers, drills, and chisels and carried dynamite. To their credit, no one died during Mount Rushmores construction  or the mountains destruction, as the case may be. A crew of four hundred worked on the sculpture. Facts About Borglum American Sculptor Gutzon Borglum. George Rinhart/Getty Images Art Background Gutzon Borglum studied in Paris and became friends with Auguste Rodin, who heavily influenced the young artist. Borglum was the first American sculptor to have his work purchased by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Stone Mountain Although Borglum had begun the sculpture on Stone Mountain, Georgia, he never finished it. He left on bad terms, and his work was cleared away from the mountain face. Another sculptor, Augustus Lukeman, was called in to finish the work. Tempestuous Boss Borglum was often away during the sculpting of Mount Rushmore. While it was being completed, he also made a sculpture of Thomas Paine for Paris and Woodrow Wilson for Poland. His son supervised the work on the mountain during his absence. When he was on site, he was known for his mood swings and was continuously firing and rehiring people. His energy for the project and persistence, through many years of trials and issues with funding, eventually led to the projects completion. Unfortunately, he died seven months before it was done. His son completed it. Origin of the Mountain Name The mountain took its name  incredibly  from a New York attorney there on business who asked the name of the location in 1884 or 1885. A local man with the group looking at the mountain informed him that it didnt have a name but said, We will name it now, and name it Rushmore Peak, according to a letter from Charles Rushmore, the lawyer who was in the area for a client researching a mine.
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