Monday, September 30, 2019
Police Functions Essay
Over the years, police have been portrayed in the media, television shows, and the local newspaper as crime fighting heroes. This portrayal would make one think a police officer is always out doing a dangerous job, which may require shooting, beating up, or arrested the bad guy. The truth is, most officers will not make a felony arrest in a given year, and there are also many officers who have never fired their weapon. There are various perspectives of the policing functions. I will examine these perspectives from the local, state, and federal organizational levels. I will identify and address possible future changes in laws and the overall impact these changes will have on the field of policing. Local Police Police, usually called law enforcement officers, apprehend criminals and investigate crimes. There are several other functions that the police perform. Local police have three main functions: maintaining order, controlling crime, and providing basic social services. Local police maintain order in different activities, such as traffic control in power outages, crowd control outside of a local football game, resolving domestic disputes, and removing drunken patrons from the streets. Police officers serve and protect. The main focus of maintaining order is keeping the peace rather than enforcing the law, so to speak. In different situations, officers may have to make an arrest to ensure the peace, but the appropriate order-maintenance solution often consists of less formal actions, like clearing crowds after a big game. Controlling crime is basically patrol and criminal investigation. Basic social service is calling police in an emergency situation. The majority of phone calls to the police are in need of social service as opposed to those relating to crimes. There are several factors that shape what police do. Police officers are available 24 hours a day seven days a week. People call on the police when they find themselves in an emergency situation and there is not another agency available. Because of this availability, it sometimes gives officers a heavy workload. Police work is different and unique from other jobs because these men and women are permitted to use force. Force in this case is deadly or physical force as well as arresting someone. Police officers have to be ready to shoot in a split second, if need be. Discretion is used in all areas of policing. Officers rely on their training as well as experiences to decide what to do when dealing with citizens. A wonderful example of discretion is an officer giving you a warning for speeding as oppose to upholding the law and issuing you a citation. State Police State police are a part of The Department of Public Safety. Every state with the exception of Hawaii has its own police force possessing statewide jurisdiction. The nation’s largest state police force is California Highway Patrol. The directors of highway patrols or state police are appointed by the Governors. Tasks done by state police agencies include assisting the local police departments in criminal investigations, patrolling the state’s highways, training municipal and country police, maintaining centralized crime records for the state, and operate a crime lab. Federal Police Within the executive branch of the national government lies the federal law enforcement. The FBI, or Federal Bureau of Investigation, is a part of this federal organization. The FBI investigates several categories of federal crimes. Their focus is on protecting the nation from threats, such as terrorism, organized crime, drug trafficking, white collar crimes, and violent crimes, such as kidnappings and bank robberies as well as civil-rights crimes. The FBI is equipped with crime labs, fingerprint files, crime statistics, and a training academy, which enables them to assist state, local, and other federal agencies. Due to the increases in organized crimes, the FBI also has wiretapping authority. Federal officers have jurisdiction nationwide. The Department of Homeland Security is another branch containing federal law enforcement agencies. Some of DHS agencies are: United States Secret Service- which is responsible for apprehending anyone caught counterfeiting U. S. money. They are also responsible for the protection of other officials of the federal government and for protecting the president. Immigration and Customs Enforcement- enforces the flow of immigrants into the United States. INS agents deport aliens who break the United States naturalization laws. They are also responsible for the patrol of the United States border to stop illegal immigrants from entering the country. In the 1990s, INS agents focused on the Mexican-U. S. border, where large numbers of illegal immigrants and huge amounts of illicit drugs entered the United States. INS agents arrest hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants each year, but the number making it safely into the United States still exceeded the number arrested. †(The Nature of Police Work) Customs and Border Protection and Transportation Security Administration also fall under this agency. Conclusion Patrol and criminal investigation used to dominate policing. Uniformed officers would roam the streets interrupting crime and trying to prevent them from happening. There are different strategies to policing. These strategies include patrol, special operations, and investigations. There are changes that can be made in laws to impact the field of policing. Local police departments can reduce corruption by keeping a closer eye on the department and listening to the community. Bad seeds would have to be removed from all areas of policing. These departments can also form a positive relationship with the public by showing they are doing more than making arrests. Federal agencies are sometimes limited in the information they can share with other departments, but if there is something useful, they can pass the information along to help all agencies out. There are many functions to policing. While police are heroes to a lot of people, they are not just out fighting crime and locking up the bad guys. They are there for us when we need them, regardless if our cat is stuck in a tree or we have a runaway teenager. Different agencies perform at different levels each having different duties. Once we understand what different agencies are able to do, we understand policing better.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Ovid the Metamorphoses
Joey c. The Metamorphoses: Why Jupiter’s feelings that humans are evil is misled and hypocritical. â€Å"And I reckon them that are good must suffer for it the same as them that are bad. †? William Faulkner. Faulkner’s ideology is prevalent in the story The Metamorphoses, by Ovid, as the poet tells of the god Jupiter destroying all man kind (except for Deucalion and Pyrrha) because of the actions of one, Lycaon. Ovid describes Jupiter's destruction as an effort to protect all the gods who do not live in the heavens. However, Jupiter's actions are not justified in any way presented in the book.In the story there are multiple cases where Jupiter and other gods cause danger and torment on the lower class of gods. Examples of rape, intervention of true love, and god’s being killed, forever changed, and cast out, are all reoccurring events that occur throughout The Metamorphoses. This concludes that, with the destruction of humanity, Jupiter exemplifies charact eristics of ignorance and hypocrisy by: not considering the good and well being of other humans, harming the very gods he set out to protect, and ignoring the other gods wrong doings, that were more detrimental than any human ever had the power to do.Jupiter believes that humans are all evil, however he took this generalization off of one situation and failed to consider any other possibilities. By this generalization, Jupiter has misled information and a bias heart going into his decision to flood the world. Jupiter, during an age of hardship and nothing sacred, went to see a human named Lycaon. During his visit Jupiter was treated with disrespect and was even attempted to be murdered by Lycaon. â€Å"†¦ at first Lycaon mocked their piety†¦ ‘He planned to take me, overcome with sleep, and murder me as I lay unawares. ’†(The Metamorphoses: Book 1, 308-313).So outraged, Jupiter set out to destroy humanity with a flood. K Balsley, whose article about The Metamorphoses is published in the University Of California Press, believes that much of Jupiter’s intention was anger based and that led Jupiter to his misjudgment. â€Å"Jupiter is too overcome with anger, too quick to punish and too abusive of his authority as king of the gods to provide an unbiased version of the truth†(Balsley). Jupiter’s anger clouded his mind from seeing the good that others might have and that Lycaon’s actions are the reason why Jupiter flooded the world, not by mankind's evil.With the flood, two people survived, Deucalion and Pyrrha. These two were examples of the honorable and just men and women that Jupiter neglect to consider as he tore apart all human kind. â€Å"†¦ Jupiter realized the world was now thoroughly inundated, and observed only a single man and woman left out of the many thousands there had been, and that they both were blameless and devout†¦ †(The Metamorphoses: Book 1, 447-451). These two indi viduals proved that Jupiter was too quick to action in his decision and made a major mistake in believing all man kind is evil.These two major parts of The Metamorphoses show Jupiter’s action as ignorant, but it is also Jupiter's hypocrisy seen through his own wrong doings which presents the flaws of Jupiter's justification on the flood. A major justification of why Jupiter washed out humanity is to protect the gods that lived on the earth, however this is a hypocritical desire as there are multiple cases in The Metamorphoses where he caused the earth dwelling gods’ torment. In book 2 of The Metamorphoses, Jupiter seeks out Callisto and rapes her. â€Å"†¦ s she began recounting the day’s hunt, (Jupiter) interrupted her with an embrace that clearly showed his criminal intent†(The Metamorphoses: Book 2, 595-597). By successfully raping Callisto, Jupiter caused her harm which was the very thing he wanted to protect them from. His lust is unstoppable i n the book as he is a powerful god and he hurts both his wife, Juno, and his others in his sexual acts. In book three, his wife is so furious at the lust driven Jupiter that she convinced one of his lovers, Semele, to make Jupiter make love with her using all of his power. †¦ (Semele) could not bear such heavenly excitement, burst into flames and was incinerated by Jove’s gift. Her child was torn out of her womb unfinished†¦ †(The Metamorphoses: Book 3, 497-400). Because of Jupiter's action’s both Semele and his own unborn son are killed. His lust drove Juno to intentionally hurt both Semele and Jupiter because she knew that: by making love to Semele, it would kill her and the unborn child. This shows that he fails to protect the gods, and in a very hypocritical action, e actually did more damage to the gods than any human ever did. The evil of Jupiter’s actions are ironic because his punishment of all humanity is a result of the cruelty and wic kedness of humans that Jupiter saw. Through Jupiter's faults it is clear that his destruction of mankind was an act of hypocrisy, however it is also the actions of other god’s that make Jupiter’s reasons for the flood seem foolish. The gods in the story have powers that even the greatest of human abilities cannot compare to, and with evil intentions they can cause much more damage too.The god’s actions in The Metamorphoses hurt many earth dwelling gods and prove that Jupiter has no justification for the flood if the other gods can’t even act decently. In book 14, Glaucus asks Circe to help him get his love, Scylla. However, Circe was in love with Glaucus so she turned Scylla into a Monster. â€Å"Her lover Glaucus wept at this and fled from having any more to do with Circe†¦ (Scylla) carried off Ulysses’ man as plunder†(The Metamorphoses: Book 14, 96-102). As a monster she killed many men until she was finally transformed again.This tu rn of events shows that Circe’s selfish and evil heart that not only destroyed the love of Glaucus but also killed many innocent men, and morphed Scylla (who had been blameless throughout the story) into a monster. Evil is seen through the gods and they have much greater power to act on it. This proses a greater threat to the gods that any human could have. The power the god’s have come with major responsibilities, however it is prevalent throughout the poem that the gods use these powers in selfish ways. For example, when cupid shoots a love arrow at Apollo and an arrow to reject his love at Daphne.He does this as an act of retaliation of Apollo’s rudeness toward him. This action caused Apollo to attempt to rape Daphne, even if the attempt fails as Daphne’s father turns her into a tree before anything happens. â€Å"One is in love now, and the other one won’t hear of it†(The Metamorphoses: Book 1, 657-658). This not only causes Apollo to b e love driven but for Daphne to never want love, which turns the situation into a rape scene. Cupid’s enormous amount of pride caused multiple gods emotional harm and displays that Jupiter misjudged the negative effect the god’s have on each other.The good and the wicked are punished by Jupiter in this story. It is shown throughout the story of examples of ignorance and hypocrisy created by the flood on Jupiter's behalf. Jupiter shows these traits by not considering the good people effected by the flood, harming the gods who he believed he would be protecting by the wipe out of humanity, and by ignoring the evil actions the gods. Jupiter has no justification of the destruction of humanity and his actions were unjust, hypocritical, and ignorant.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Bronze Age in Ireland Essay Example for Free
Bronze Age in Ireland Essay The arrival of the Bronze Age in Ireland was a gradual process, as there is no sharp division between the last Stone Age and the early Bronze Age. The Bronze Age is broken up into three groups including the Early Bronze Age, Middle Bronze Age, and Late Bronze Age. Nevertheless there is a general agreement that the Bronze Age started around 2000 B. C. and lasted until about 500 B. C. As the era suggests, it was the new metal work technology practiced most effectively by the Beaker people in the north-eastern part of the country that caught the attention and imagination of those with artistic talents. As well as that it was the transition of the use of a different harder heavier metal from stone. Armor, weapons, daggers, and awls area few of the new items produced. The Bronze Age cannot be denied as a time of development. Gold items were also produced however there were mainly for ceremonial or decorative purposes. Silver, copper, and gold of which were the raw materials were all found around Ireland including West Cork, Tipperary, and Wicklow. The knowledge of how to make bronze came to Ireland from Europe. It is made from an alloy of tin and copper. The copper was mined in Ireland, chiefly in county Kerry at Ross Island; however the tin was imported from Britain, which is believed to have been obtained by a trading of gold already available in Ireland. Due to the richness of copper and gold in the country, Ireland had developed great trading power which was most definitely used to its greatest advantage. This is evident because Irish Bronze and gold objects are found in many parts of Western Europe. (Appreciation and history of Art). There are a mass quantity of many spectacular pieces of gold jewelry from this era that has been found over the years however many have been known to been lost or destroyed. The majority being found in bog land. The beginning of this time was more considered a Copper age as it was the main use. But later on, the introduction of tin made it possible to forge better and more sophisticated tools and weapons from the new alloy. However these tools and weapons would have been available to just a few sections of society and this brought about social changes which saw hierarchies established with the ownership and access to the new metal being the overriding factor in where one ranked in this hierarchy. Bronze Age in Ireland. (2017, Jan 08).
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Impact Of Economic Growth, Political And Economic Systems On The Essay
The Impact Of Economic Growth, Political And Economic Systems On The Internalization Of An Organization - Essay Example Collective growth is the major slogan put forward by globalization. The concept of business has been changed from the domestic spectrum to the international spectrum as a result of globalization. It should be noted that many of the prominent organizations in the world were struggling to develop properly because of the lack of opportunities for expansion in the domestic market. For example, before the introduction of globalization American coffee maker Starbucks was struggling to expand properly since they had coffee shops virtually in every corner of America. In other words, American market was highly saturated for Starbucks before the introduction of globalization. However, globalization helped Starbucks immensely in expanding their business beyond the boundaries of America. Internationalization of a business or an organization depends on many factors such as the political, economic and cultural factors in the target country. Suitable business climate is essential in the target coun try, for an organization to think about offshoring their business to that particular country. For example, no organization would think about establishing a business in Syria at present because of the huge political problems going on there. Same way, only few organizations may think about expanding their business to underdeveloped countries such as Ethiopia or Somalia. On the other hand majority of the organizations are looking for opportunities in Asian countries or BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries because of the huge economic developments in those countries. In short, political and economic climates in a particular country play an important role controlling its ability to attract foreign direct investments. This paper analyses the impact of economic growth, political and economic systems on the internalization of an organization. What impact does a country's political and economic system have on its economic development? China is often cited as th e best example to prove how well one country can utilize the possibilities of globalization to stimulate economic growth. It should be noted that China was the number one critic of globalization initially. They believed that some hidden agenda is behind the introduction of globalization by capitalist countries. They argued that globalization is an attempt to loot the wealth of poor countries. Overholt, (2005) pointed out that China opposed the â€Å"global economic order, political order and the major global institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank before the reforms started in China†(p.3). According to Hersh & Schmidt (2000), China like socialist countries perceived globalization as the continuation of capitalism (p.3). However, they quickly realized the possibilities of global trade and globalization and started to make immense changes in its political and economic systems to attract foreign direct investments. It should not be forgotten that Deng Xiao Peng was the architect of modern China even though Mao Zedong is believed to be the father of modern China. Mao was adamant so that he never deviated from the policies of communism. He never allowed foreign organizations to invest in China and private capital in any form was unacceptable to him. On the other hand, Deng welcomed foreign capital and private capital with both hands. He has realized the fact that China cannot develop properly with the help of internal resources alone. Being the most heavily populated country in the world, internal resources of China were insufficient to meet the needs of the people. Chinese government was struggling to ensure proper living standards to its citizens
Thursday, September 26, 2019
IMMIGRATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
IMMIGRATION - Essay Example The U.S. has never been the melting pot that was expected. Instead, immigrant ethnic groups have maintained their unique identities for generation after generation. The immigrant heritage has worked itself into the basic fabric of American life. The cycle of anti-immigrant feelings and politics seems closely tied to economic issues: when the nation needs laborers, immigrants of all kinds are welcomed, when jobs are scarce, immigrants are excluded. (Purcell, p.xii). In â€Å"Unchecked Immigration†what is Peter Brimelow’s claim, and what solutions does he propose? Using secondary sources to advance your argument, state whether you agree or disagree with Brimelow’s claim and solutions. According to Peter Brimelow, in the article Unchecked Immigration, the 1965 Immigration Act triggered an influx of historically high proportions, particularly compared to current U.S. birth rates. If the present trends continue, the U.S. population will reach 390 million by 2050. More than a third of the population would be post-1970 immigrants and their descendants. Because the 1965 Act arbitrarily choked off immigration from Europe, this influx has been almost completely from the third world. As recently as 1960, whites who were 90% of the population, by 2050 will be on the verge of becoming a minority. A demographic transformation such as this is without precedent in the history of the world. Also, the 1990 census revealed that native-born Americans both black and white were fleeing from the immigrant-favored areas, where they were being replaced in equal numbers by immigrants. They fled to two different parts of the country, where their own people were. Peter Brimelow claims that the U.S. is coming apart ethnically under the impact of the enormous influx. He wonders whether America continues to be the integration of ethnicity and culture as a nation, and whether the American nation-state can survive. The solutions to the problem, that Peter Brimelow offers are that: In
Waterboarding and Torture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Waterboarding and Torture - Essay Example Torture refers to an act in which there is the infliction of suffering and severe pain, which may be mental or physical. The main objective of inflicting this pain encompasses obtaining information for a crime they may have committed. Numerous debates have arisen over whether waterboarding can be regarded as torture; in my opinion, waterboarding can be considered to be torture. Hostettler (2011) asserts that the use of this method to obtain information form suspects constitutes torture because it inflicts severe mental and physical suffering. Persons who undergo this form of torture have their minds and personality destabilized. Furthermore, their senses as well as mind undergo profound alteration, which results from the torture they experience. In addition, waterboarding violates the Geneva Convention, which states that war prisoners should always be treated humanely. Article 18 of the convention prohibits any form of coercion as well as mental and physical torture. Another reason why waterboarding constitutes torture is because the person under torture is in the custody of the one inflicting the pain. Thus, the victim of the torture cannot be able to rescue himself from the situation since the interrogators con trol him
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Museums and the Advantage of the Product Differentiation Research Paper
Museums and the Advantage of the Product Differentiation - Research Paper Example â€Å"The British Museum Company Limited was founded in 1973 by the Trustees of the British Museum to advance the educational aims of the Museum. The Company currently engages in a number of activities, including wholesale and retail, publishing, the production of replicas and other merchandise, and licensing. The Museum has expanded its retailing division over the last few years, with the opening of the Great Court at the centre of the Museum offering further opportunities for trading. Having the best-designed shops the company offers several products for the customers from the books Specializing in ancient history, archaeology, art history and ethnography to pocket money priced items. The Company stocks many materials suitable for use in National Curriculum project work. These also include guidebooks to the Museum, postcards, T-shirts, stationery, camera film, stamps, jewellery and inexpensive gifts and the Museum's exclusive collection of replica sculpture, jewellery and fine sil k textiles. The British Museum has a long history of publishing, dating back to the mid 18th century, with the first recorded publication of catalogues to the early collections in 1749. The British Museum Press was founded in 1973 and is the world's leading museum publisher. Around 60 books are published each year in the broad subjects of history, archaeology, ethnography, fine and decorative arts and numismatics for scholars, children and the layman. For a number of years, the Company has been producing replicas and gifts based on objects in the collections of the Museum.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
BUS 303 MOD 1 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
BUS 303 MOD 1 SLP - Essay Example olicy, we have been keeping in touch with you, through the transparent e-mail messages, where we discuss the routine matters, which concern our day-to-day business affairs. In continuation with the same, I shall be discussing with you today about the crucial issue of maintaining discipline in observation of punctuality towards office working hours. As every one of us is aware of the punch-card system that we maintain for keeping the attendance record of our workers, the same needs improvement. The main drawbacks, which have come to my notice, include difficulty of punching cards faced by those employees, who need frequent visits outside their office, apart from occasional malfunctioning of the system. While suggesting any method of improvement would in itself exhibit the dedication and seriousness of the concerned employee; we have formulated a scheme, which provides for the rewards to be given to the first three suggestions, selected by our HR department for this purpose. As it is our policy to maintain excellent relations with our existing customers, we must thank all of you for providing our reference to your friends and associates. This certainly has resulted in strengthening our customer base, with the addition of new customer relationships. Therefore, it is our prime responsibility to keep you informed about the developments taking place at our end, which include the new product launches. As we propose to launch the new product by the end of this month, we shall be sending you special invitations to attend the event. Needless to mention here, the highlights of this event would include the demonstration of the product, which will be followed by interaction of our marketing professionals with you all. In the first e-mail, only the name has been written in the field mentioning â€Å"from†, while the second e-mail has the designation written in this field, after the name. This is due to the fact that the second email is for the customers, who are outside the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Final Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Final - Research Paper Example Erik Erikson and his Psychosocial Theory Erikson was viewed to be ‘the most important’ person to have contributed in knowing some of the developments in the early years of a man’s life. Such significant developments coincide, not just with the physical state of man being perceived as a toddler or an adult, but also with the ability of the toddler or the adult to think and act based on what a toddler, or an adult thinks. He believed that in every action man makes corresponds to an inert thinking, which was influenced by some events that had happened in the past and the culture where one belongs (Berk, 2006, p. 18; Douvan, 1997, p. 15). A prominent psychoanalyst just like Erikson, Sigmund Freud was the one who first initiated the whole idea into a study and made a point that such developments were basically driven by one’s hidden and innate pleasures that are then guided with the rationality of thinking when one becomes mature, and also by the so-called †Å"conscience†being the man’s highest thinking capability (Berk, 2006, p. 17). Consequently, Erikson’s psychosocial theory emerged when he intently thought that although Freud was correct with his notion about motivating the occurrence of man’s significant developments, those motivating factors Freud had pointed out, for Erikson, are not enough. Erikson, in his theory, had stressed the presence of a â€Å"positive†motivation, coining that it is not just the man’s sense of right or wrong, or his/her innate pleasures as a way for changes to occur, but an individual is driven to change because everyone must contribute something to the society (Berk, 2006, p. 18). The Strengths and Limitation of Psychosocial Theory Being psychoanalytic in nature, psychosocial theory suggests that to know two contrasting ideas present in every period of man’s development and identify which of the ideas are suited to the person, based on some past events, c an actually determine possible reasons why a person is acting that way or is thinking such, a strength powerful enough for a society to understand the people that it comprises (Berk, 2006, p. 19; Capps, 2012, p. 270). If Freud had identified a gradual change from birth to adolescence, it was Erikson who had pointed out such observation of Freud until the old age, making Erikson the first one to pinpoint the â€Å"lifespan†of man (Berk, 2006, p. 18). To know what one has felt when he/she was still a baby and predict the feeling when he/she gets old are part of the process of viewing one’s lifespan, another strength noteworthy to be inculcated in the hearts of people since knowing how one had lived life can lead to improving oneself. With the theory’s strengths come also its limitations. According to many authors (e.g. Cairns, 1998; Thomas, 2000; Westen & Gabbard, 1999) who have proven the point of Berk (2006), Erikson’s theory is limited to only identifyi ng the value, i.e., choosing whether a person had demonstrated â€Å"initiative†in carrying out a task when he/she was a toddler or had been guilty towards the task, and is â€Å"vague†for individuals who are interested in psychoanalysis to assess the stated values through experiments (p. 19). It is also not reliable in terms of getting numerical data (Prelinger & Zimet,
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Students working while in college Essay Example for Free
Students working while in college Essay Back in 70’s and 80’s, going to college and getting a degree did not seem much of a necessary thing to do. Students, who used to have enough time, enough money or much interest in doing so, used to go to college. Other students, by the end of their high school used to start looking for jobs good enough to support them and any dependents, if they had, financially. Even till not very long ago, going to college was more of a privilege, not a necessity. However, with growing competition all around the world, and increasing globalization and the world becoming a global village with multicultural workforces and amalgamated employee bases, going to college is becoming more and more of a necessity with every passing day. In fact, it has already become inevitable for most of the students in most parts of the world to have a good college degree in addition to proper experience and a set of competitive skills and abilities, in order to get a good, reputable job that earns a good sum of money for one’s living respectably. This fact, created great financial problems for the not-so-rich students, who could not afford the college education required to get them a good job. This might even have led to disparity among the population since the poor students who could not afford good college education would not have got good jobs either and would always have remained poor. This would have gone on and on. Eventually, these students either needed financial aid or any other means to generate money to pay the college fee and earn a degree. Many solutions were figured out. One way out are financial aids and scholarships. Another way to finance college education is to work while one studies at college earning the money for tuition along side Financial Aid and Scholarships One alternative to working while studying at college is to avail financial aids and scholarships. Financial aids are special loans provided to students who cannot afford college education to enable them to complete their studies and then pay the loan back slowly and gradually either during the course of their studies or later on when they have finished their educational life and start working. As far as scholarships are concerned, they are the special kind of the financial aid which does not need to be paid back. These scholarships can be provided under special programs by the government, NGO’s, any other private body or even the college/university itself. They might either be fully paid or partially paid (by a fixed percent). The Scholarships can either be merit based (when a student is exceptionally good at studies, that his education expenses are exempted or paid; in this case, the student should not be necessarily needy) or need based (when the student is good enough but cannot finance his education so his education fee needs to be exempted or paid). (Petersons, 2003) However, this is not always the case and is not applicable practically everywhere for many a reason. As far as financial aids are concerned, the problem with them is that they have to be paid back sooner or later, one way or the other. So, if other options are available, why take them in the first place? And the scholarships are obviously in a limited number. More over, not everyone can get a scholarship. For example, a student might be needy and interested in studying at college at the same time, but he might not be a good student after all, and thus, the scholarship providing bodies would not want to risk their money after someone who might not even graduate. (Petersons, 2003). More over, these scholarships might not cover the accommodation and other expenses of the students who might even be from other countries for sake of education. These and related expenses need to be paid for by the student one way or the other. These and many other financial problems of the students can be solved by working while studying at the college. This can help the student earn enough money to pay for the college tuition fee as well as other expenses like accommodation, everyday expenses like transportation and all. (Orszag, Whitemore, 2001) Working While in College. During the last two decades, the number of students working (part time or full time) while going to college has increased at an incredibly fast rate. The prime reason for such a behavior, as mentioned above is the increasing demand of college degrees. In addition to this, awareness among the students and increased inclination towards studies has played a major role as well. Also, with inflation increasing at a dramatic rate all around the world, most parent who could afford higher education for their children do not appear to do so any more and thus they expect their children to finance their education, fully or partly, by themselves. More over, not only the working students’ ratio has increased, but the number of students working full time during their full time student life has increased drastically as well. Working students can be roughly categorized as the full time students who are working (full time or part time) to finance their living and education, that is the students who see themselves first as students and then as employees, and the students who work full time and are studying side by side with their work as part time students, that is the students who see themselves first as employees and then as students.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Comparative Study On Compulsory Voting Politics Essay
Comparative Study On Compulsory Voting Politics Essay Compulsory voting can help people to meet their obligation for the democratic society and reduce the inequality of turnouts in election in USA. Introduction This study explores various aspects of democracy and compulsory voting in the present political scenario with particular focus on the USA. The Thesis Statement is: Compulsory voting can help people to meet their obligation for the democratic society and reduce the inequality of turnouts in election in USA. This paper is a comparative analysis of the works of different scholars on the democracy and voting. The topic chosen for the study is A Comparative Study on Compulsory Voting. The first part of the paper covers different aspects of the voting. The paper covers thoughts of Plato, Aristotle, Bellamy, Tocqueville, Kilborn, Zakaria, Daltono and others. Democracy and idea of compulsory voting do not go along as per the basic concept is concerned. However, unless the voting percent is high, the objectives of democracy can not be achieved. This opens avenues for discussion over the required and right approach for the compulsory voting and democracy. The countries compared and covered in this paper are Australia, America, some European countries like UK, France, Canada, Belgium and Thailand. Compulsory Voting Definition Compulsory voting has been defined in the following way: Birch (2009) defines compulsory voting as, Compulsory voting can be defined very simply as the legal obligation to attend the polls at election time and perform whatever duties are required there of electors. Concepts of Compulsory Voting Why to focus on compulsory voting? There are 29 countries in the world that have laws to fully force their citizens to take part in elections, and this constitutes a quarter of whole democratic countries (Birch, 2009). But in the compulsory voting states, the general perception about compulsory voting is that it is a relic of the past which has lost its utility in the present time and that it will ultimately vanish from the surface of the world as voters flex their muscles, states fight for their liberal powers and struggle to free themselves from all types of compulsion. In fact the states stand is definitely different from much modern political thought, which is more and more coming to see duties and rights as going hand to hand. Moreover participation in elections remains voluntary in many states. In the year 2006, there were three major reports issued on the topic of UK by the Electoral Commission, the Society of Hansard and Public Policy Research Institution (Ballinger, 2006; El ectoral Commission, 2006; Keaney and Rogers, 2006). The same problem is faced by France and Canada where prominent members have recently called for the electoral participation to be mandatory. The big fact that compulsory voting has currently received too much attention from practicing politicians whose suggestion that it is ripe time for a reviewing of the old institution of voluntary voting is alarming. Widespread, high voter turnout legitimizes government and helps correct for lower levels of political participation and influence among socio-economically disadvantaged groups. However, state efforts to increase turnouts are unlikely to succeed if they merely chip away at the already low cost of voting. To reach consistently high turnout, state actors must look to richer understandings of voter behavior. (Marisam, 2009) Oddly enough, there has not been even a single monograph available on compulsory voting in English language for 50 years. We dont claim that any studies have not been done on the topic. As a matter of fact it has been the subject of a range of academic journal articles, and its scope has been so much widened that it also touched on literatures as varied as on wealth inequality, etc. Yet compulsory voting tends to be studied mainly for context analyses which have principal objects for investigation. This aims to fill up the gap between scholarly literature by providing a fully detailed overview of the practice, history, cause and effect of the legal obligation for vote. If ever compulsory voting is to be introduced in polities, it is very important to have clear understanding of the different arguments for and against compulsory voting. One of the main functions of this study is to assess and evaluate the entire issue. Compulsory voting has been introduced in a number of contexts deal ing with a range of problems, from Belgium in 1893 to electoral corruption in Thailand over a century later in 1997. This research seeks to widen the study of compulsory voting by elaborating and systematically examining each of the effects against comparative proof from all over the world. Compulsory electoral contribution considerably alters the enticement structures which are faced by all the actors in the electoral field, from voters to parties and candidates and to electoral administrators. Compulsory voting is mainly investigated to understand and elucidate the impact of the institution on phenomena such as party strategies, electoral integrity, political engagement, electoral outcomes and policy outcomes. Drawing from a range of scholarly fields, this Article introduces a comprehensive framework for how state actors can conceive of and contemplate efforts to increase turnout. An understanding of how to engage core voter motivations, such as self-interest, social identity, altruistic cooperation, and community norms, must inform these efforts. (Marisam, 2009) Conceptualizing Compulsory Voting It has been largely recognized by electoral behavioral lists that there are a number of factors that bring people to the polls. We can here conceptualize the incentives to vote which generally fall into two wide categories; push and pull factors. Pull factor in which pull includes the range of vote motive and it also includes wish to influence electoral outcome, it has expressive aim, goal, objective, identification with political contestants and perceptions of civil duties (e.g. Campbell et al., 1960; Riker and Ordeshook, 1968; Verba et al., 1978; Powell, 1980; 1982; 1986; Crewe, 1981; Rosenstone and Hansen, 1993; Dalton, 1996; Franklin, 1996; 2002; 2004; Gray and Caul, 2000; Blais, 2000; Norris 2002; 2004). The lawful compulsion to vote is a main push factor; voters are urged to the polling booths by the law and they are threatened by the sanctions. But still there are other kinds of pressures also that can be exerted to make people come to vote. It includes political and social in fluences and generally operates outside the ambit of formal political institution and it never can be marked effectively. Such types of pressures are known for bringing forth highest rates of turnout and have been achieved in different parts of the world- the USSRs frequently reported 99.99% levels of electoral participation (Bruner, 1990). Australian System of Compulsory voting as discussed by Young Hill, (2009) has the high turnout rates and high informal voting. Although Australias compulsory voting system (4) has led to a very high rate of turnout in Australiaon average around 93 per cent of registered voters (5)there is also a high informal voting rate and this has led to the political exclusion of significant numbers of citizens. At each national election in Australia, hundreds of thousands of votes are not counted because the ballots are improperly filled out. The informal vote rate is an indicator of social and political exclusion, with particular groups of Australians being inordinately disadvantaged. The fact that this indicator has increased in four out of the past five federal elections is of significant concern. (Young Hill, 2009) A Typology of compulsory voting Form of obligation Sanctioned Unsanctioned Formal Sanctioned electoral compulsion ( e.g. Australia ) Unsanctioned electoral compulsion (e.g. Venezuela ) Informal Sanctions, benefits in the absence of formal compulsion (USSR) No Compulsion, little pressure to vote (USA) Table: 1 Full Participation Sarah Birch Political parties may also play an important role in influencing Coercive mobilization (see Cox and Kousser, 1981; Hasen, 2000; Lehoucq 2003). At least, sometimes even ordinary social pressure proves to be a powerful force in encouraging and boosting people to vote. Campbell et al., 1960; Rosenstone and Hansen, 1993; Blais, 2000; Franklin, 2004) It should be considered that while discussing compulsory electoral participation, we mainly focus on the cases where electors have legal obligation for polls. But usually, legal and informal socio-political forces play very complex role. Participation of voters in the voting process due to legal obligation congruent with social and political norms must be considered a variation within state machineries along with sub-cultural, geographical or the other lines- in the forms of congruence. Ian McAllister and Toni Makkai have linked high levels of informal voting in Australia to the interaction between compulsory voting, the presence of large numbers of immigrants within the electorate and the complexity of the electoral system. (38) The frequency of elections, the disparity between voting methods at three distinct levels of government and the presence of compulsory preferential voting, all combine to create a complex voting system that makes it difficult for those with low English and literacy and numeracy competence to record a formal vote. (39) It is telling that, of late, informal voting in New South Wales has been higher than the national average (Young Hill, 2009) In simple way we should understand that there are two ways of obligation to vote: informal (social and political) and the formal (legal). It should also be clearly noted that enforcement of formal compulsory electoral participation needs to be related to cultural environment and politics which help in the reinforcement of voting (i.e. congruence between legal and socio-political forces). Malouf puts it, compulsory voting `is a great leveler which forces us `to remember that however grand we may think ourselves, we have just one say like everyone else (cited in Jones 1996: 23). Zachary Elkins (1996:iv), wrote that from the idea Brazilian case, and suggested that compulsory voting laws are very important and it holds means civic habits and structuring a culture participatory in nations where democracy is not yet consolidated. Senator Nick Minchin has made the debatable argument that `compulsory voting has in fact a donor to the low level of political knowledge in modern Australia (1996b: 18), and according to Morgan Poll conducted in 1997 show that 67 per cent of Australians was in favor of compulsory voting. According to the Newspoll market research of Australian electoral commission 1996, 3rd march and 74 % was at the side of compulsory voting at the federal election. Compulsory voting presents very significant connection between vertically (between governed and gove rnors) and horizontally (between members of the electorate). It is silly and strange to suggest that voting is solution for many problems such like problems of power asymmetries which is linked with democracies, so it clearly seen that voting can work to restructure some of the effective marginality. Rydon (1997: 177) also stressed that genuine democracy needs that people should be completely free to vote. In the case, an individual does not want to vote than freedom should be in his hands no one can force him. Majority report of current parliamentary question on compulsory voting and stated: `if Australia is to consider itself a mature democracy, compulsory voting should now be abolished (Wright 1997). Stevens (1984: 84-91) noted that in this case voting became state election rule in Australia. It became compulsory in 1980. An education program was brought by Australian Electoral Office to explain election effectiveness, and voting propose was to prevent and effective disenfranchisement which is caused by informal votes (Jaensch et al. 1981). State and Government Ideal state and justice by Plato and Aristotle According to Plato only through society (state) good life can be possible. He also mentions that society is a natural institution and all human beings are political and social animals. State exists only for the sake of good life. Now according to Plato, freedom and economic well-being can not define good life. And justice should be the aim if we intend to have a good society and lead a good life. Justice is therefore must conformed by a true state (the Ideal of which exists in the World of Forms). And so state must not define what is just. Justice is an entity of knowledge, and it is one of the forms. This is the reason that every statesman should be a philosopher. And supposing he is not the same, he will only lead the state towards self-destruction. Justice for the state is equivalent to justice for any individual, and state must be regarded as a pattern of justice for every individual. According to Plato souls have three parts: Fig: 1 The City-State According to Plato justice always exists in individual when the lower appetites are subject to government of reason. The state should be in peace and harmony and this peace of the state is analogous to the peace of the individual. Recall Socrates self-rule. Freedom actually means what we have to do with wisdom and have ability to do what we ought. In other words, it is only when our appetites are subject to reason that every individual can do whatever they ought to do. This is clear that unjust person cant control his anger, and he can only moderate his passion towards money, etc. So for Plato justice is a form of order, a harmony between the appetites and reason. Plato also means that just person will never allow his anger to move towards something irrational in any way. So only in this way just person is truly free, so the same thing applies to state also that only that state which is just is truly free. Thus, the just state looks like the following Fig: 2 the City-State Justice in Aristotles View: (The Nicomachean Ethics, pp. 741-748.) The Greek words for justice and injustice are more unclear than the recent English vocabulary. For Aristotle Justice is a virtue-a sort of character feature. For him justice is a part of ones motives and behavior. He accepts clearly a line between all those who participate in a society/state but do nothing. According to him only few are true citizens of the state who take part in state. People who stay in state and work for it but do not meet any of the criteria of being true citizen and should not receive any benefit of political enterprise. Aristotle searches virtue in terms of the Golden Mean, if justice is a virtue as we think then it must be some kind of mean. Thus it must be some kind of intermediate act, between some sort of extreme circumstances. Sometimes, states character can be recognized by its effects and by the effects of its opposites. So roughly one can find out that a person is unhealthy because he holds certain types of characteristics which are opposite to healthy characteristics. Though Aristotle thinks that the characteristics of justice are vague and he feels to identify the characteristics for injustice and work. A person who does not follow law is unjust and greedy. The just person necessarily follows the law and seeks for his fair share in state. Greed: A person who is greedy only wants to grab everything. Every thing is not absolutely good or is not good for everyone but a greedy person can not understand it. Law: The law is loyal to the benefit for all, or to the benefit for the best, or to the benefit for all those in power. Thus it serves the creation or the safeguarding of cheerfulness within politics. The law orders us to perform according to the mean. A well-written law follows the mean well and the poorly written law does not. So it is clear that Justice is a virtue that can be applied to all neighbors and fellow citizens. Justice is not a particular intermediate but it is a way of looking intermediates. It is justice for all fellow citizens, but when it gets considered, it becomes abstract. Education of the guardian by Plato and Aristotle Platos Republic is most excellent and is known all over the world for its ultimate defense of justice. It also includes an equally powerful protection of philosophical education. Platos ideas of education, however, are hard to distinguish because of the unnecessary details of conversation. Socrates (Platos representative of dialogue) posits two contradictory visions of education (the first is the education of the warrior guardians and the second is the philosopher-kings education), but he also provides a slight description of education between the educational methods he uses with Glaucon and Adeimantus. While the spectacular framework of the conversation makes facets of the Republic tricky to clutch, in the case of education, it also provides the key to locating and understanding Socrates factual idea of education. Socrates educational approach interlocutors directly correspond with his vision of the education of the philosopher-kings. And partly suggest that the allegory of the yielding is representative of factual Socratic education. The first explanation of education, however, is not an incorporated dialogue lacking reason. In accordance with the playful, progressive and philosophical education, recommended by the yield equivalence and the philosopher-kings education, Socrates uses many unreliable and frequently contradictory thoughts and images (among which is the first account of education) regularly directs his pupils in the direction of a personal understanding of knowledge and philosophy. The aim of education is to create a good man. By nature every man is good. He has to study to manage his animal behavior through the exercise of reason. Man behaves according to customs and reason as a rational being and he is able to have pleasure. Education aims at the development of the potentialities every man has. It must seek for mans intellectual capacities for development and personal growth and highest level of physical and mental strength and health. Form of government by Aristotle Aristotle discussed three more different kinds of constitution namely oligarchy, democracy, and polity in his works (Ackrill, 1997, Aristotle, translated by Ostwald, 1999). There are numerous kinds of democracy and numerous kinds of oligarchy. The words few and many envelop a range of social categories, reversing from one city to other, and the term rule covers a range of actions which are carried out with the help of various organs. This is a good matter to deal and activities are allocated to social category. It is clear which organ of administration is managed and controlled by which groups but all this is enclosed by the umbrella terms few and many. Depending on how closely power is scattered, there are numerous unusual kinds and forms of government in Platos table. In his book The Politics he distinguishes between good and bad forms of ruling, whether it is rule by many (democracy), by a few (oligarchy, aristocracy) or by one (monarchy). Aristotle in his book clearly stated that he was never in favor of democracy and democracy is not the best form of government. As it is also right for oligarchy and monarchy, rule in democracy is mainly for and by the people named in the government type. But according to him in democratic form of system, rule is by and for the needy only. In disparity, rule of law or aristocracy (literally, power [rule] of the best) or even monarchy, where the ruler has the attention of his country by his whole heart, are improved types of government. Influence of democracy on the feeling of the Americans Government, Aristotle says, must be by those people who have sufficient time in their hands to follow virtue. In present U.S. drive towards movement of financing laws planned to build the political life existing even without well- endowed fathers. It is very unusual from the contemporary generation politicians who only move by wealth at the cost of the citizenry. Aristotle believes that rulers should be propertied and leisured, so, without any fear they can give their time to produce virtue. Aristotle actually does not favor any one form of Government. There are possibly three types of government, oligarchy, polity and monarchy. Aristotle perhaps favors the last type. Polity is made up of the major groups of individuals who have slightest chance to do any real damage to the state. Oligarchy is made up of the aristocracy. And monarchy is made up of only one ruler. All these have the greater chance of damage because action can be taken by few individuals. For all time Aristotle approximately prefers a middle (mean) position to one of the extremes. Influence of democracy on the feeling of the Americans The book Democracy in America by Tocqueville translated by Henry Reeve says that United States paid very less attention towards philosophy in this civilized world. Americans dont have even a philosophical school of their own. They do care but very less for all the schools and in that sense Europe is divided, and the name of such a school is scarcely known to them. Democracy and Oligarchy Definition Democracy has been defined differently by different authors. A simple definition of democracy by Joseph Schumpeter is that institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which individuals acquire the power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for the peoples vote (as cited by Cheema and Maguire, 2004) The democracy has been divided into different categories and countries are placed within different regimes. The Economist Intelligence Units democracy index is based on five categories: electoral process and pluralism; civil liberties; the functioning of government; political participation; and political culture. Countries are placed within one of four types of regimes: full democracies; flawed democracies; hybrid regimes; and authoritarian regimes. (The Economist, 2008) Table: Democracies across the world Influence of democracy on the feeling of the Americans( Tocqueville) According to the Tocqueville there is only one county on this earth where whole citizens enjoy maximum freedom of association for political purposes. America is the only country where continual exercise of right to association has been introduced into civil life. In other countries where political associations are illegal, civil associations are rare but connection between these two kinds of associations is necessary. In many states participation in elections remains voluntary and growing number of voices which call for making it legal obligation never gets successful. In the year 2006 UK issued major report on it which is clearly given in the introduction part. Here the main things to focus is that compulsory voting is very much appreciated by the political leaders who all are practicing and giving advice that time is ripe for a reviewing of institution scholar. Civil association facilitates political association while on the other side political association strengthens and develops the association for civil purposes. In civil life, every human may speak harshly so that he can be provided for his own want. When people have any idea of public life, they enjoy it very much. Politics gives birth to all associations in civil life but is rarely interested in drawing numbers of men to act concretely. It needs high quality of skills but in politics opportunities are present every day. In politics men come together for clear and great understanding and through this they make principles of association to teach them how to co-operate each other. A political association brings a number of people at the same time out of their own circle. Civil association never gets any contribution from political association. People look upon public association as a lucrative world because here people are free to do anything in a democratic manner. According to the aut hor art of association is like mother of action which can be applied to all. Liberal and global focus on democratic participation in election is democracy. George said that he even heard about America that voting is most important right as being an American citizen and him also mentioned that democracy is very precious system for people and for country. Relation of civil to political association by Tocqueville Reeve further elaborates American democracy by the condition of equality that leads men to entertain instinctive of the supernatural and exaggerated opinion of the human understanding. Men who live in social equality are not easily led to place that intellectual authority in which they blow beyond and above humanity. Every ordinary person commonly seeks for sources of truth in themselves, and this is enough to prove that no new religions and schemes can be established for such purposes as they are not immoral. This is again clear that democratic people will not give credence to marvelous mission; people will seek to discover the chief arbiter and go beyond their limits of human kind. An individual is compared with others for equality in democratic country as he is equal to others in civil society. In United States every individual adopts great numbers of theories on morals, politics, and philosophy without any inquiry upon public trust. This is a fact that political laws of the Unite d States are majority rules and the political community has sovereignty and this increases their power. Effects of compulsory voting on Australia According to Mackerras and McAllister (1996: 2) in compulsory voting Australia has an efficient system and it is probably oldest of any advanced democracies. In year 1997 Parliament recommended that compulsory voting necessity for referenda and federal elections be repealed and this was reported by Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters table. Few year back when Chris Ellison was Senator of Australia (the minister responsible for federal electoral arrangements presented a bill to Australian Parliament which was against prisoners of Australia and in that bill, it was about to deny prisoners rights for federal rights for voting. According to Senator Nick Minchin ( 1996a: 245,248) said that compulsory voting is a fundamental breach of civil liberties and that it is `inconsistent with the essence of a free and democratic society to force people to vote There was the claim that liberal- democratic principles of choice and freedom which violated by compulsion voting, on the other-s ide there are some fundamental democratic ideals and principles and that is: legitimacy, representativeness, minimization of elite power and political equality (Stevens 1984: 61; Johns 1998: 368-9). Since voluntary voting low down and give incomplete information regarding the electorate, one could easily argue on it that democratic principle of popular sovereignty enhances by compulsory voting. Those who all are free over the liberal principles in this philosophical war stated that compulsory voting post minor restriction on freedom of personal in comparison to the other collective action or problems which is resolved in democracies by mandatory such like: jury duty, paying taxes and compulsory school attendances (Lijphart 1997: 1). The fact that compulsory voting annoyance on the state to sure insertion on individuals voting, and also suggested that voting obligation is actually reciprocal one. So it is clear compulsory voting is a misnomer, it is only a kind of attendance at a polling place (entailing having ones name marked off the roll, collecting the ballot papers and putting them in the ballot box) that is compulsory. The AEC never search to force people to note their ballot paper, so therefore great chance and opportunity to participate in state activities. Compulsory voting is a nosy and odd incident but apparently neither it bothered to Australians, nor have they make compulsion for voting, very few asked questions against paradoxical status and liberal democratic relation principles. Many of the Australian felt that voting is not a compulsion in-fact it is a fair to understand that voting is undemanding civic obligation and it is seen in Australia mainly in political culture which deeply supported Aust ralian electorate. Compulsory voting functions as an agent of social cohesion which mainly focus on public etymologically: till what extent voluntary voting can shape of republic and this give understanding regarding the relationship between community and voting. Compulsory voting provides a rare occasion for solitary participation. Liberal democracy and global focus on democracy by Fareed Zakaria The US government is stuck on democracy that it has been keenly promoting it all over the globe. US State Department officials and politicians have connected eligibility for help to democratic improvements within the nations. Zakaria (2003) seems to have no objection to the aid. He just wishes that the United States would stop demanding that countries make democratic reforms as a condition for receiving the assistance. Therefore, many nations in Africa, South America, and Asia who have turned more democratic in recent years, but at the same time have become less free. What you end up with, the author writes, is little unlike from autocracy; albeit one that has greater legitimacy. Struggling nations require the rule of law and right and respect for individual constitutional liberalism very much. US government has been unconsciously approaching democracy on individual level. To take a step toward greater democracy is also obvious in America, however Zakaria (2003) does not like what he sees. He argues that people believe in the balance between the right of the majority and the will of the minority. America is at the same time pursuing a simple-minded theory that all people should value the legitimacy of democracy. This philosophy has destructed all old institutions and undermined all traditional authorities. Congress in America for example, is more democratic, but Zakaria (2003) adds that it is therefore more open to special-interest group pressures. The author too supports Zakaria (2003) and also states that spread of direct democracy that is, referenda and vote initiative is prevalent in the US. On these processes, Leef (2003) says; give us a jumble of laws, often contradictory, without any of the debate, deliberation, and compromise that characterize legislation. Zakarias (2003) solution moves towards decision making and that is not democratic, therefore sightedness and special interest pressure remains. Zakaria (2003) really admires Federal Reserve because it is insulated by democracy. However this book is not well thought about the problems which Americans face and there people are making many different political decisions democratically. According to the author constitutional liberalism must return but deemphasizing democracy makes difference in political institution. Here author says that earlier democratic system in America was very less and was totally authoritarian government mandates but still it passed a lot of legislation as Zakaria (2003) wanted, thats why the author says that Zakaria (2003) has lost sight of the goal and he never focuses much on the goal namely a restoration of constitutional liberalism. Conclusion In the last, the long arguments rem
Thursday, September 19, 2019
WorldCom and The Mississippi Scheme Scandals Essay example -- Finance A
WorldCom and The Mississippi Scheme are both large financial scandals that have occurred. WorldCom was a telecommunication company that overstated their cash flow by reporting $7.6 billion in operating expenses as capital expenses. WorldCom is the largest accounting scandal in US history as of March 2002. The Mississippi Scheme was a business scheme that destroyed the economy of France during the 1700’s. The scheme involved the loss of paper money’s purchasing power as a result of asset inflation. Both WorldCom and The Mississippi Scheme were frauds involving manipulation to create higher stock prices and dubious practices within the organizations to keep the public unaware. Bernie Ebbers was the founder and CEO of WorldCom. He took a small telecommunications firm and transformed it into an industry giant before it collapsed into bankruptcy in 2002. The stock prices of WorldCom began to fall in 2000 and in order to prevent the price from falling further WorldCom made mass loans to Ebbers to stop him from selling his stock. He initiated the fraud and false reporting. He did not give accounting details as to how the false reporting should occur but he did repeatedly say it was important to â€Å"make the numbers.†Scott Sullivan was the CFO and on the board of directors of WorldCom. He oversaw the conspiracy to hide operating expenses in order to improve reported profits of the company. He advised Bernie Ebbers to inform the public of the WorldCom’s deteriorating situation but Sullivan’s advice was not taken. Ebbers had instructed Sullivan to adjust the accounting numbers. David Myers was the controller of WorldCom. He instructed the accounting department to make billions of dollars in adjustments to financial state... ...t themselves. The Duke de Bourbon and the Prince de Conti were members of the council of the regency. They abused their positions and their influence to see that measures were taken to get the shares to rise while in their hands in order to make huge profits. This is similar to Ebbers and Sullivan selling shares of stock in 2000 when they had inside information that the stock price would be falling. Ebbers was offered a loan instead of selling his shares, though. WorldCom and the Mississippi Scheme were both major financial scandals of their time. These scandals have similarities and differences. WorldCom was the second largest phone company in the United States as of 1998. The Mississippi Scheme was a plan that affected every household in France during the 1700’s. Both scandals would never have occurred if the people in charge would not have been fraudulent.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Standardization of Language Essay -- Persuasive Argumentative Speaking
Standardization of Language Language is a method in which individuals communicate to get their opinion and ideas across to the other party. It varies in its communication methods; it can be verbal and physical i.e. body language. A language is significantly related to the speaker’s language culture and identity, any alteration in language causes an effect on identity. Therefore I believe that language should be standardized under specific rules, regulations that support the language and prevent merging with other languages to avoid cultural assimilation. However, this standardization does not discriminate or disallow any other language to be practiced, by accepting diversity i.e. allowing English to be spoken in a Spanish speaking country, but disallowing Spang-lish. Thus I believe that language blend is unacceptable. Moreover, with rules and regulations speakers should respect their language and avoid its alternation, since it is part of who they are and what makes them special. Arabic is a language that is an example of a language that is spoken with rules and regulations that govern it, these rules come from the holy Quran. When Arabic goes through grammatical alteration, the language loses its richness, and no longer sounds the tough language that makes it special worldwide. Currently, with all the westernization occurring in the Arab world, many have diverted from the standard Arabic. Families have changed their first language to English; from my point of view, ...
Ghosts †Seeing is Believing :: Personal Narrative, Autobiographical Essay
Ghosts – Seeing is Believing    I live in a ghost hallway. They come and go whenever they want, like the transparent, blow-away wings of bees. Their spirits hover inside this house on Mechanic Street like a twilight hue filling a wine glass. I live more or less inside their moods, which they carry behind them in traces of light that flood the panes one window at a time and the creaky flutes of rusty hinges. The ghosts don't say â€Å"boo†and they don't swing chains. They're good ghosts as far as I can tell, calm as a cup of tea, considerate and watchful and able to pay attention to the least thing for many hours. I like how they watch me read without telling me what to think; I like how they touch my mind with ghost memories, laughing and smoking on the porch with their neighbors. I like how they stared out these same windows serious and alone in their own thoughts, unable to share with each other the deepest parts of themselves because the inner commotion was too great to put into words. I s ee how after a fight or death in the family they sat by themselves in the living room, wanting things to be good again, wanting to be healed but not being able to do anything but wait.         What they have left behind is shorn of all eventfulness as if what happened here long ago in this quasi-dilapidated shotgun house still lingers on as after-tone slowly turning into something else, the echo of their memories which I navigate now with a cup of coffee and a three-day beard. I'm doing a soft-shoe in my slippers through their long recollections, the fog that hangs in the trees between dreams. They heard the same front door whine and clatter and the soft thudding of footfalls on the sidewalk: they heard the wind in the trees and the wash of rain tearing through them on its way to another season carrying a hundred small deaths in its wake. Their senses are alive in mine, just as mine are remade in the memory of theirs. It's a mysterious transference that I do not understand. I don't necessarily like to feel the pangs of sorrow the woman felt that beetled up and down her spine like a slug of mercury, finding her defenseless in her own house at different times in her life, like a painful sickness that keeps coming back. Ghosts – Seeing is Believing :: Personal Narrative, Autobiographical Essay Ghosts – Seeing is Believing    I live in a ghost hallway. They come and go whenever they want, like the transparent, blow-away wings of bees. Their spirits hover inside this house on Mechanic Street like a twilight hue filling a wine glass. I live more or less inside their moods, which they carry behind them in traces of light that flood the panes one window at a time and the creaky flutes of rusty hinges. The ghosts don't say â€Å"boo†and they don't swing chains. They're good ghosts as far as I can tell, calm as a cup of tea, considerate and watchful and able to pay attention to the least thing for many hours. I like how they watch me read without telling me what to think; I like how they touch my mind with ghost memories, laughing and smoking on the porch with their neighbors. I like how they stared out these same windows serious and alone in their own thoughts, unable to share with each other the deepest parts of themselves because the inner commotion was too great to put into words. I s ee how after a fight or death in the family they sat by themselves in the living room, wanting things to be good again, wanting to be healed but not being able to do anything but wait.         What they have left behind is shorn of all eventfulness as if what happened here long ago in this quasi-dilapidated shotgun house still lingers on as after-tone slowly turning into something else, the echo of their memories which I navigate now with a cup of coffee and a three-day beard. I'm doing a soft-shoe in my slippers through their long recollections, the fog that hangs in the trees between dreams. They heard the same front door whine and clatter and the soft thudding of footfalls on the sidewalk: they heard the wind in the trees and the wash of rain tearing through them on its way to another season carrying a hundred small deaths in its wake. Their senses are alive in mine, just as mine are remade in the memory of theirs. It's a mysterious transference that I do not understand. I don't necessarily like to feel the pangs of sorrow the woman felt that beetled up and down her spine like a slug of mercury, finding her defenseless in her own house at different times in her life, like a painful sickness that keeps coming back.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Cuneiform And Hieroglyphics Essay
The invention of writing was an important part of the development of Sumer and Egypt. There are many similarities and differences to the writings of each of these civilizations. The Sumerians developed a writing called cuneiform. Cuneiform is the oldest written language in existence. Each picture represents a living or nonliving thing. Cuneiform was written on clay tablets with a wedge-shaped instrument called a stylus. Henry Creswicke Rawlinson was the first person to decipher the meanings of cuneiform. He did so in 1846. Cuneiform eventually spread throughout the region and was adopted by many other early civilizations. The Egyptians developed a writing that they named hieroglyphics. The word hieroglyphic means ?sacred inscriptions? because they were often written on the walls of temples. Hieroglyphics were created about 5000 years ago. There are not any vowels, only consonants. There is also no punctuation. In 1799, the Rosetta Stone was discovered. The Rosetta Stone was the secret to discovering the meanings of hieroglyphics. On the Rosetta Stone there were three sections of print, each saying the same thing but in different languages. At the top, the paragraph was written in hieroglyphics. Second, it was written in Demotic. Lastly the paragraph was written in Ancient Greek. By reading the ancient Greek word and names, the other paragraphs could be deciphered. Twenty-three years after it?s discovery, Jean-FranVois Champollion figured out what the hieroglyphics meant. Hieroglyphics are pictures that represent a letter. In both civilizations, mostly only scribes knew how to read and write. Being a scribe was a very honorable profession. People who were to become scribes went to school for many years starting at a young age. The profession of being a scribe was passed down through families; if a boy?s father was a scribe, he would become one also. Because children needed to be taught to read and write when they were to become scribes, schools were created. Eventually, these schools became more than centers of just learning the art of reading and writing, but they also became centers of learning of botany, astronomy, medicine, and mathematics. People becoming more literate and more knowledgeable helped greatly in the development of the civilizations. Both writings, cuneiform and hieroglyphics, were invented to improve the record keeping of the civilization. By having a written language, Egypt and Sumer could kept records, draw up contracts and official documents, record laws and legal judgments, and record sales. As time went on, being able to write also enabled people to write down formulas, procedures, legends, prayers, and hymns. Even though there were many differences between cuneiform and hieroglyphics, there were many similarities. These similarities caused writing to be important in the growth of Sumer and Egypt.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Influence of Digital Media on Education
A great man once said, â€Å"If we teach today’s students as we did yesterdays, we are robbing them of tomorrow. †His name was John Dewey. He was an American philosopher, psychologist and educational reformer whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform. This man is the inspiration for many enthusiastic educators, who wish to evolve education as the world around us changes, especially with the rapid reforms bestowed upon the education world through this monster that we call digital media. There is no running away from the fact that digital media has already changed the world.It’s not going to stop altering the world it was created in anytime soon. So human beings have taken advantage of this fact. Since digital media reaches every corner of the globe, man has learned how to influence tremendous amounts of people through digital advertisements, expressed opinions on blogs, massive video sharing (Youtube), Internet radios (Pandora, Spotify), un iversal shopping outlets (Amazon, Ebay) and even extremely localized seller/buyer ran websites such as Craigslist. The list is never ending. Digital media has grabbed our society by the horns.For this project I have chosen to analyze the impact of Digital media on education. Numerous communications technologies have been, and will continue to connect the expertise of professional educators. Digital media and the numerous communications technologies are connecting millions of people to: 1. Increase opportunities for a quality education. 2. Increase audience networks to jumpstart a synergistic routine for online/afterschool studies. 3. Easily develop effective studying techniques in younger children, which ultimately set children up for success.Education on Digital Media 4. Construct interactive communication for peer-to-peer studies. 5. Give parents a chance to provide their children with an excellent structured education. 6. Develop online programs that are extremely user friendly, for parents and children. 7. Learning everywhere. 8. Introduce children to the safest possible online interactions for educational purposes. 9. Allow children to become adaptive to the changing technologies involving digital media. 10. Discover a student’s strength and weaknesses through computer-generated statistics, graphs and tables.These tables will be available to parents and children, at the discretion of the parents. Also, this will be available for regular adult students, hence online college portals (UMUC’s Webtycho). The incorporation of digital media into traditional education allows convenient learning alternatives, rather than the tradition textbook, notebook and highlighter approach. â€Å"Our students have changed radically. Today’s students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach. †(Prensky, 2001) These days’ students use tablets and laptop computers, with wireless Internet to their advantage.Digital m edia offers students of all education levels an enormous treasure chest of social practices, methodologies and even hands on assignments. Expert educators have become readily available to students virtually anywhere in the world (where and internet connection can be found. ) Of course, only digital immigrants who are adept to the use of digital media themselves will be afforded the opportunity to share their teaching skills globally. A learning application on your IPhone will never replace a quality teacher, who truly has a passion for teaching.However, over the past several years, multiple online platforms have given students the opportunity to take the initiative on learning. â€Å"Tools will never outshine a brilliant teacher, but over the past fifteen years many tools, services, and platforms have become easier to adapt for learning purposes, to help command and hold the attention of learners for whom email is no more than an easy way to talk to â€Å"the man. ††( Scholz, 2011) A website I have used in the past has helped me pass CLEP (College Level Entry Program) exams, which count for 3 college credits.You can earn these credits simply by passing the examinations, which are usually more difficult than easy. The CLEP system allows students to basically take the final exam of an entry-level college course, without ever having to take the course. This website I utilized and came to appreciate is www. instantcert. com. You have to pay a monthly subscription, which is totally worth it if you apply yourself. There is no instructor for the study guides and test samples provided by the websites creators. It’s simply you and the books. Raw learning at its finest.Of course, there are also online tutoring programs, which provide private tutors for virtually all-academic subjects. Live online courses (much like CMST 301) are available to students of all ages. I would like to point out the difference between an online college course, and an onlin e tutoring program. UMUC’s online program is the perfect example of an online college, where students earn actual college credits that apply towards an official college degree. Then there’s academic tutoring programs, such as Instantcert. com, which I mentioned previously.Another fine example of an online tutoring program is the princetonreview. com. The Princeton review does not offer college credits; it simply aids motivated students in their understanding of whatever subject matter they are pursuing. The concept of â€Å"learning everywhere†has never been easier, thanks to digital media. â€Å"Digital learning not only takes place online or in the university classroom but is also situated in high schools, museums, after school programs, home school living rooms, public libraries, and peer-to-peer universities.Learners do not learn exclusively in the university where â€Å"master-teachers†impart their insights under the tree of knowledge. †(Sc holz, 2011) I have found the usage of tourist-interactive digital media programs in museums to be quite useful and educational. Learning everywhere is already happening, in homeschools and public schools. One comparison I would like to make known, is the difference in computer usage regarding homeschool and public schools. There is a graph below that sums up some very useful percentages.The graph shows that the percentage of students utilizing computers at home increases, as their parent’s educational attainment increases, but that the percentage using computers at public school is more nearly equal across the levels of parental education. This proves that computer (Internet) usage for public education is on the rise. Some parents prefer their student’s education to remain traditional, hence the homeschooling. A traditional home school program, in the past has consisted of family bought textbooks and teaching material designed for the students parents.Today however, th ere are multiple programs offered to parents, so they may have access to quality home school programs. Some of these programs involve the use of the Internet, and some do not. Many home school programs make use of DVD’s. You may notice the higher education attainment for parents makes a slight difference between parents who have bachelor’s degree and a graduate education (regarding homeschool and public school). This was expected. What was not expected was the difference between parents with a high school education, compared to parents with a 4-year degree. 5% compared to 82% is a huge gap. I predict that digital media will shorten this gap. User friendly, affordable and independent home school online programs will be developed by digital immigrants, programmers and educators who have grown up in the tech-savvy generation. The gap will naturally shorten as education becomes readily incorporated into digital media. Another surprise (to me personally) was the fact that t he highest percentage for computer usage came from home school environments taught by parents with graduate educations.I expected this percentage to be lower, due to the fact that most traditional home school systems tend to fray away from computer usage. But then again, this graph was created in 2003. I can see digital media having a direct effect on education for all these categories. Reason being, as time goes on, digital media usage in nursery school and students in grades K-12 will increase. It will increase because digital media is only furthering its reach. The good news concerning this graph, the percentage of computer usage in public schools remained relatively close in proximity.Ranging from the lowest (78%) to the highest (84%), this shows that computer and digital media usage in public, private high schools and universities has already become very widely available. The graph above displays computer usage in households. The graph below displays the difference between comp uter usage and actual Internet usage by grade level from Nursery school through 12th grade. In 2003, it was easy to see the dramatic increase for computer and Internet usage ranging from nursery school all the way up to 10th grade.By the time students reached 10th grade, the Internet and computer usage tended to even out at a moderate rate. Basically what this graph is telling us is that students begin learning how to use a computer and Internet as soon as they enter the school systems. The percentage that surprised me the most, was the nursery school computer and Internet usage beginning in nursery school. Even though this graph was originated by the NCES (National Center for Education Statistics), I questioned the fact that computer usage/Internet usage begins in nursery school.It is happening today, and I predict this to be a growing trend. There are two major organizations, which exist today, whose sole mission is to safely incorporate digital media into preschool and kindergart en. The first major organization is the NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children). This organization is noticeably the largest, and well-funded organization for early educators in the United States. The 2nd is the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children’s Media organization.These two amazing organizations have conducted research, which supports the use of digital media technology in preschool and kinder garden. A very brave statement was released by both organizations. The statement regarded technology and small children up to 8 years old. â€Å"Though the groups discourage â€Å"passive screen technology†usage  like TV and DVDs  with children under two, they don't suggest a ban on screens for preschoolers or kindergartners as some child-advocacy groups have suggested.Nor do they say teachers should avoid using technology with young kids. Instead, the groups puts the onus on teachers to make smart decisions and use te chnology appropriately. †(Guernsey, 2012) Conclusion: The digital media’s affect on education is more evident now than ever. If professional educators truly wish to reach their students in the world of pedagogy, I predict that these educators must become more adept to the way these new generations of students are accustomed to learning. Today, students learn on their own terms, with their own study methods.The sooner professional educators embrace technology and digital media fully, the sooner our students will reach their full potential. References Scholz, R. T. (2011, March 31). Learning Through Digital Media  » Introduction: Learning Through Digital Media. Learning Through Digital Media. Retrieved February 23, 2013, from http://learningthroughdigitalmedia. net/introduction-learning-through-digital-media DaBell, M. , Chapman, C. , Spellings, M. , Whitehurst, G. , ; Schneider, M. U. S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2006).C omputer and internet use by students in 2003 (2006-065). Retrieved from Institute of Educational Sciences website: http://0-nces. ed. gov. opac. acc. msmc. edu/pubs2006/2006065. pdf Guernsey, L. (2012, March 7). Saying yes to digital media in preschool and kindergarten. Retrieved from http://www. huffingtonpost. com/lisa-guernsey/saying-yes-to-technology-_b_1325070. html Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6. Retrieved from http://www. marcprensky. com/writing/prensky – digital natives, digital immigrants – part1. pdf
Sunday, September 15, 2019
The impact of hosting the World Expo 2020 on Dubai’s future economic, social and cultural life
Introduction This proposal outlines the following research question: in what ways, positive or negative, will the World Expo 2020 affect Dubai, the surrounding region, and the world in generalThis is an interesting topic for two primary reasons. The first is the personal workplace experience of the author, which involved a position at Dubai Media Incorporated (Dubai TV) conducting analysis about current affairs in the UAE region. The second is the fact that this is a landmark moment in the history of Dubai, the UAE, and the Middle in general, as it is the first time that an international exposition has been held in the region. It is possible that it will lead to the development of new forms of culture; the old may be reformulated and developed in unique ways, but it may also be fused with ideas and institutions from abroad to create novel cultural hybrids. This idea of bringing regions of the Middle East together with the rest of the world was explicitly supported by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Dubai’s leader, who argued for the importance of ‘a renewed vision of progress and development based on a shared purpose and commitment’ (Expo 2020 Dubai, UAE, 2013). The possibility that the Expo 2020 will be a crucible for interacting creative forces across the world is, moreover, encapsulated in Dubai’s chosen theme: ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’ (Big News Network, 2013). Research questions This research will aim to answer the following questions: What factors are likely to contribute to the success or failure of the World Expo 2020? What are the social, economic, and cultural changes that Dubai is a likely to experience? How will be Dubai’s future in the global stage change as a result of this event? How might Dubai use the World Expo 2020 as a marketing tool? How might Dubai use the symbolic economy to aid its cultural and urban regeneration and shape its new urban identity? Will Expo 2020 commentary and press show Dubai in a positive or negative light? Literature review Due to the very recent nature of the announcement, there is almost no literature dealing directly with the relationship between Dubai and the Expo 2020. However, there has been considerable commentary in the form of political and economic punditry, much of which is academic. Piers Schreiber, Vice President of Corporate Communications & Public Affairs at the Jumeirah Group, claimed that ‘the Expo will create up to 270,000 jobs in the region, bringing great economic and social benefits’ (cited in Wilson, 2013). Among these are an injection of roughly ˆ17.7 billion into the economy and a migration of talent from abroad (Wilson, 2013). These estimations are supported by the forecasting group Oxford Economics, which claims that the event will contribute nearly $40 billion to Dubai’s GDP and create 277,000 new jobs over the next seven years (Big News Network, 2013). A similar argument is put forward by Rose and Spiegel (2009), whose work suggests that ‘mega ev ents’ lead to a substantial increase in trade (approx. 30%); however, they also show that ‘unsuccessful bids to host the Olympics have a similar positive impact on exports†¦trade is attributable to the signal a country sends when bidding to host the games, rather than the act of actually holding a mega-event’ (p1). Although Sheik Mohammed has claimed that the â€Å"Dubai Expo 2020 will breathe new life into the ancient role of the Middle East as a melting pot for cultures and creativity†(Big News Network, 2013), the goal of cultural diversity has been questioned due to the strong emphasis on boosting an ‘Islamic economy’, which suggests continuity more than change (Wilson, 2013). Based on comparisons with other ‘mega events’, it is often argued that the effects of the Expo 2020 are likely to be negative for Dubai. Rose and Spiegel (2009), for example, stress that much of the evidence for the benefits of mega events is commis sioned by groups with biasing agendas (e.g., Humphreys and Plummer, 1995; Fuller and Clinch, 2000, both cited in Rose and Spiegel, 2009). The same is argued by Nitsch and Wendland (2013), who also point to the large initial investment in facilities and infrastructure associated with mega events, which can place a considerable burden on the local or national economy; there tends also to be a dramatic and unpredictable effect on property prices. The conclusion of Nitsch and Wendland (2013) is that mega events tend to have an overwhelmingly negative effect on population growth (i.e., a population decline), as measured relative to a control group. However, Nitsch and Wendland (2013), and Rose and Spiegel (2009), point to the difficulty of estimating the impact of major events. Problems quantifying the effects, especially on phenomena such as labour markets, are often exacerbated by the fact that many studies are commissioned ex ante by biased groups. Moreover, in conducting analyses suc h as this, it is difficult to find an adequate sample size due to the infrequency of mega events. Then there are problems with the intangibility of cultural and social spillover effects, as well as the economic multiplier (Rose and Spiegel, 2009). Methodology The effects of the Expo 2020 are best assessed using a variety of methodological approaches, employing both quantitative and qualitative methods. From the quantitative side there will be content analysis-case studies and statistical analyses. From the qualitative, there will be surveys, questionnaires, and interviews. In terms of research philosophy (or methodology, strictly speaking), this research will take both an objectivist and a subjectivist approach (Crotty, 1998). It would be advantageous to use what Nitsch and Wendland (2013: 4) call a ‘difference-in-differences methodology’. This draws ‘before and after’ comparisons, and in this case would entail looking at the effect of former Expos on host nations and cities and extrapolating about the probable effects on Dubai. Bibliography Crotty, M. (1998) The foundation of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in Research Progress. Sage Publications: London Big News Network (Nov 2013) Dubai wins right to host Expo 2020 [Retrieved 03/02/2014]. Nitsch, V. and Wendland, N. (2013) The IOC’s Midas Touch: Summer Olympics and City Growth, CESIFO WORKING PAPER NO. 4378, Centre for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute. Expo 2020 Dubai, UAE (2013) Our Bid [Retrieved 03/02/2014] Rose, A. K. and Spiegel, M. M. (2009) The Olympic Effect, NBER Working Paper No. 14854, The National Bureau of Economic Research [Retrieved 03/02/2014]. Wilson, J. A. J. (Dec 2013) Global Islamic Economy Summit and World Expo 2020 boost Dubai’s Halal credentials, The Huffington Post [Retrieved 03/02/2014].
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Love for One’s Country
Love for one’s own country Loving one’s own country is closely associated with patriotism. Patriotism is a loyal feeling which one has about his own country. one must have a deep and passionate loyal feeling about his country. One of these feelings of one man in a country is upsurge and unhonoured. The feeling has kindled many dormant nations into actions. History is filled up with instances where patriotic people under able leadership have saved their land. Our father of nation Mahatma Gandhi bought for the freedom of our country with a burning patriotic zeal.One must take pride in the culture and beauty of one’s own country, the rivers, mountains, hills, valleys, deltas must inspire one’s patriotic feeling. He has to encourage the art and trade of his country. He must support his country as his duty. He shall never do anything that would bring down the fair name and image of his country. In the present context of the world the narrow patriotism is nearly out moded. country however powerful or rich can stand isolated. The world is shining with the fast mode of communication and no country is too far away.The complex economy of the world has every country dependent on one another. Self-contained condition is only a thing of past, every culture today is what it has rowed from culture. No culture can boast of being pure. so there is no meaning in narrow nationalisation . it is safe to conclude that fantastic patriotism is bad though loving ones country for beherment and good deals is a noble act. Being proud of India is not enough. Resolve to do something in your lifetime that India will be proud of†¦..
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